1 Educations Gelar di Hukum di Swedia for 2024

Educations Gelar di Hukum di Swedia for 2024Filter
    • Lund, Swedia

    Waktu penuh

    2 bertahun-tahun

    Di kampus

    Bahasa inggris

    The Master of Science Programme in Sociology of Law is an interdisciplinary programme aimed at introducing students to the study of law, legal institutions and legal behaviour in a social context. It offers an advanced overview of the sociology of law with the possibility of specialisation in socio-legal areas, criminal justice and social control, criminology, society and corruption, human rights, AI and digitalised governance. The objective of the programme is to increase the students’ knowledge of how the law and legal institutions work at the national and transnational levels and how they impact the everyday life of ordinary citizens.