Program MD Kedokteran
Bialystok, Polandia
6 Years
Bahasa inggris
Waktu penuh
31 Aug 2025
Dec 2024
EUR 15.100 / per year
Di kampus
Ini adalah kursus studi MD 6 tahun dalam bahasa Inggris, yang dibuka pada tahun 2004. Kursus ini terdiri dari 5917 jam kelas (termasuk 600 jam magang siswa).
Saat ini, terdapat hampir 500 mahasiswa dari 46 negara, terutama dari Skandinavia, tetapi juga dari Kanada dan Amerika Serikat, Irlandia, Finlandia, Spanyol, Jerman, India, Nigeria, Tanzania, Uni Emirat Arab, atau bahkan Trinidad dan Tobago. Para siswa Divisi Bahasa Inggris mendapat manfaat dari pengetahuan teoritis serta pengalaman praktis dari staf akademik. Para pengajar berusaha keras untuk menyediakan kondisi yang optimal bagi para siswa untuk belajar dan bekerja, semuanya dalam suasana yang bersahabat dan dengan penekanan pada prinsip-prinsip etika.
Kelas diadakan di fasilitas ilmiah dan didaktik universitas yang canggih, yang meliputi: Rumah Sakit Klinik Universitas modern, Pusat Farmasi Euroregional, Pusat Didaktik dan Ilmiah Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan, Pusat Penelitian Klinis, Pusat Pengobatan Eksperimental , Pusat Penelitian Inovasi, Pusat Bioinformatika dan Analisis Data, Laboratorium Pencitraan Molekuler. Banyak kelas dilakukan di Pusat Simulasi Medis.
Medical University of Bialystok telah membuat perjanjian dengan rumah sakit di berbagai negara di dunia, sehingga mahasiswa internasional dapat melakukan magang di negara asal mereka (misalnya Jerman, Austria, Swiss).
Mengapa belajar Kedokteran di Bialystok
5 Alasan Mengapa…
- Kampus MUB - di pusat kota, dalam jarak berjalan kaki dari semua tempat penting;
- Ijazah yang diakui secara internasional;
- Fasilitas modern;
- Universitas ini telah diklasifikasikan dalam peringkat bergengsi Times Higher Education;
- Universitas yang sangat terinternasionalisasi: Aplikasi bahasa Inggris untuk ponsel pintar, seluruh kampus memiliki label dua bahasa (Polandia - Inggris), mahasiswa dari 46 negara, banyak acara integrasi dalam bahasa Inggris untuk mahasiswa internasional, Welcome Centre.

Proyek ini dibiayai oleh Badan Nasional Polandia untuk Pertukaran Akademik di bawah Program Selamat Datang di Polandia (2023)
Biaya Pendidikan Program
Year 1
- Anatomy
- Histology, Embryology, and Cytophysiology
- Biophysics
- Chemistry
- Biochemistry
- Information Technology
- First Aid and Nursing
- Medical Polish/English
- History of Medicine
- Medical Sociology
- Fundamentals of Preventive Medicine and telemedicine
- Elective courses
- Occupational, Safety, and Health
- Physical Education
Year 2
- Physiology
- Microbiology
- Parasitology
- Biostatistics
- Epidemiology
- Pathomorphology
- Immunology
- Molecular Biology
- Genetics
- Professionalism in Medicine
- Medical Psychology
- Regenerative Medicine
- Toxicology
- Medical Polish/English
- Elective courses
- Physical Education
Year 3
- Pathophysiology
- Pathomorphology II
- Pharmacology
- Laboratory Medicine
- Surgery
- Nuclear Medicine
- Internal Medicine
- Pediatrics
- Oncology
- Rehabilitation
- Maxillofacial surgery
- Medical law I
- Elective courses
Year 4
- Neurology
- Infectious Diseases
- Clinical Pharmacology
- Dermatology and Venereology
- Ophthalmology
- Surgery
- Gynecology and Obstetrics
- Internal Medicine
- Pediatrics
- Pediatrics Orthopedics and Traumatology
- Orthopedics and Traumatology
- Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging
- Professionalism in Medicine
- Public Health
- Elective courses
Year 5
- Forensic Medicine
- Medical law II
- Oncology
- Palliative Medicine
- Otolaryngology
- Clinical Pharmacology
- Anesthesiology and Intensive Care
- Anesthesiology and Intensive Care for Children and Adolescents
- Psychiatry
- Family Medicine
- Surgery
- Gynecology and Obstetrics
- Internal Medicine
- Pediatrics
- Neurosurgery
- Pediatric Surgery
- Urology
- Gerontology
- Professionalism in Medicine
- Medical Ethics
- Elective courses
Year 6
- Psychiatry
- Family Medicine
- Surgery
- Gynecology and Obstetrics
- Internal Medicine
- Pediatrics
- Emergency Medicine
- Chosen clinical course
International Rankings
As part of the implementation of the internationalization strategy, it is assumed to increase the presence of the Medical University of Bialystok in the global higher education rankings. Universities included in international rankings, due to their greater recognition, are more attractive destinations for international students. The inclusion of MUB in international higher education rankings will also have a positive impact on the position of University graduates in the labor market. In most cases, the evaluation of universities is based on quantifiable indicators. Universities are evaluated and ranked depending on the subject and scope of activities covered by the ranking. During the evaluation, the reputation of the University in relation to research staff, employers, and students is also examined.
To date, the Medical University of Bialystok has been listed in 10 international university ranking:
Times Higher Education (THE) is a British weekly magazine that organises prestigious rankings of universities around the world. The Medical University of Bialystok has so far participated in 3 rankings offered by THE:
- World University Rankings (THE) - THE World University Rankings assesses education, internationalisation of universities, research conducted, citation and publication rates, and university-business collaboration using 5 criteria. THE World University Rankings consist of overall, subject, reputation and also regional rankings. The Medical University of Bialystok has been ranked between 1001 and 1200 in the world.
- World University Rankings by Subject - The ranking of clinical and health faculties uses the same trusted and rigorous performance indicators as the World University Rankings, but the methodology has been tailored to specific disciplines. The ranking highlights universities that are leaders in medicine, dentistry and other health-related subjects. The university has been positioned at 601+ in the Clinical and Health category.
- University Impact Rankings - a ranking that assesses universities in terms of meeting the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals. The MUB chose to make its case in terms of supporting the achievement of Goal 3 ‘Good Health and Quality of Life’, Goal 5 ‘Gender Equality’, Goal 9 ‘Innovation, Industry, Infrastructure’ and the mandatory Goal 17 ‘Partnerships for the Goals’. The Medical University of Bialystok ranked between 1001 and 1500

US News Best Global Universities Rankings (US News) - developed by an American company operating in the media industry since the 1930s. Its ranking is based on a list of 1500 universities with the highest number of publications and 250 top universities ranked on the basis of a reputation survey. From this pool, the top 1500 universities are included in the main ranking. Individual fields of study are subject to seperate rankings.
University is currently ranked 1758th in the Global ranking (588th in Europe, 37th among Polish universities).
The Medical University of Bialystok is currently ranked 765th in the Clinical Medicine category.

U-Multirank by subject - evaluates fields of study in five main areas of activity: research, international cooperation, quality of teaching and learning, transfer of knowledge and technology, and cooperation at a regional level. The aim of the ranking (created with the support of the European Commission) is to create a tool that will enable candidates to search universities in terms of the most relevant criteria for them.
The Medical University of Bialystok was included in the global ranking and by-subject ranking (Medicine). Our University is characterised by a very high evaluation of the "Teaching and Learning" and "Regional Engagement" paramterer.

SCImago (SIR) – SIR rankings rank academic and research centers based on multi-criteria indicators. The most important of them, which have a key impact on evaluation, are research potential, innovation, as well as the impact of the institution's actions in the social space. For ranking purposes, the calculation is generated annually on the basis of the results obtained over a period of five years ending two years before the ranking's edition.
The Medical University of Bialystok has been ranked 2862th (15th in Poland) in the SCImago Institutions Rankings (SIR).

CWTS Leiden Ranking - is based on bibliographic data from the Web of Science database created by Clarivate Analytics. The first edition of the ranking was held in 2007. Since then, the ranking has been steadily gaining popularity. This is a single-criteria ranking. It evaluates universities for their research and publication potential.
The Medical University of Bialystok is ranked at a high 1055th position in the global ranking (583rd in Europe).

Web of Universities (Webometrics) – the Ranking publishes webometric indicators for more than 12,000 universities. It is created on the basis of a complex index. It takes into account both the amount of online content (the number of websites and files on the internet) and the recognisability, visibility, and impact of these online publications. They are estimated based on the number of external links. The ranking is an initiative of Cybermetrics Lab – a research group of the Spanish National Research Council. The aim of the ranking is to increase the presence of academic institutions on the internet, as well as to promote free access to the results of scientific research online.
The Medical University of Bialystok has been included in the global and regional ranking (2196th place in the world, 42th place in Poland).

University Ranking by Academic Performance (URAP) - the main objective of URAP is to develop a ranking system based on academic performance indicators that reflect the quality and quantity of academic publications. URAP publishes the world ranking of universities since 2010. Since 2011, the rankings by subject have also been published. The latest rankings cover 3,000 universities from around the world and 61 different specialist subject areas.
The Medical University of Bialystok has been included in the global and regional ranking (2196th place in the world, 42th place in Poland).

CWUR - The ranking (CWUR) has been published since 2012. The evaluation of the University is basen on 4 pillars (education, position of graduates on the labor market, faculties and research). The seat of the ranking organizer is in the United Arab Emirates.
The Medical University of Bialystok has been classified at 1629th place in the world.

The MUB International Cooperation Department as the coordinating unit for international rankings asks for urgent involvement of other units in the international reputation study of higher education institutions. In addition to the relevant data of a given institution, this is the second most common element of the evaluation of universities. The study is conducted among both academic staff and employers. The position in the international rankings is connected not only with the scientific and teaching as well as infrastructure potential. Many times it also depends on the reputation of a university in the international research community.
Hasil Program
Diploma ini memungkinkan para lulusan untuk memperoleh lisensi medis dan mengikuti pelatihan medis khusus. Fakultas Kedokteran bertujuan untuk membekali para lulusan dengan keterampilan dan pengetahuan yang dibutuhkan untuk berpraktik sebagai dokter. Selama masa studi, para mahasiswa memperoleh keahlian dalam pencegahan, pengobatan, diagnosis, dan rehabilitasi, yang penting untuk menjalankan praktik kedokteran, memajukan karier mereka, dan terlibat dalam penelitian ilmiah. Mereka juga mempelajari tentang prinsip-prinsip etika, hak-hak pasien, kolaborasi profesional di antara para dokter, dan standar-standar etika yang diwajibkan selama pemeriksaan medis. Para lulusan menyadari tanggung jawab profesional dan hukum mereka, serta memahami pentingnya interaksi yang penuh rasa hormat, jujur, dan dapat dipercaya dengan pasien dan staf medis.
Setelah menyelesaikan studinya, para lulusan memiliki pengetahuan teoritis dan keterampilan praktis yang diperlukan untuk menjalankan praktik kedokteran dan memenuhi syarat untuk mengkhususkan diri dalam berbagai bidang medis. Mereka juga dapat mengejar karier dalam penelitian atau pengajaran di lembaga akademik atau rumah sakit pendidikan. Para lulusan harus memiliki kompetensi klinis, mampu memecahkan masalah yang rumit, berperilaku etis terhadap pasien, berkomitmen pada pendidikan kedokteran berkelanjutan, dan bekerja secara efektif dalam tim.
Why study at Medical University of Bialystok
Medical University of Bialystok menawarkan kualitas pengajaran unggul yang disampaikan oleh staf kami yang berkualifikasi dan kompeten, basis penelitian dan pengajaran yang lengkap, dan fasilitas canggih termasuk 2 rumah sakit pendidikan dan 8 unit penelitian, seperti Pusat Penelitian Klinis, Pusat Kedokteran Eksperimental, Pusat Penelitian Inovasi, atau Pusat Simulasi Medis, yang sangat dihargai oleh semua mahasiswa.
Kami memiliki klub belajar dan organisasi mahasiswa di Universitas, dengan mahasiswa melakukan uji klinis, mempelajari keterampilan praktis, mengambil bagian dalam konferensi ilmiah dan mengejar minat mereka.
Universitas ini berkantor pusat di Istana Barok abad kedelapan belas yang indah yang disebut "Versailles Utara". Kampus Universitas, gedung-gedung studi, dua rumah sakit klinis, asrama mahasiswa, dan fasilitas olahraga terletak di pusat kota, semuanya dapat ditempuh dengan berjalan kaki.
Di Medical University of Bialystok , kami berkomitmen untuk meningkatkan kenyamanan dan memberikan pengalaman terbaik bagi mahasiswa internasional, dengan fokus khusus pada praktik yang baik dan sambutan hangat bagi mahasiswa baru. Untuk mencapai tujuan ini, Pusat Sambutan telah didirikan di MUB, yang menawarkan layanan terpadu bagi mahasiswa internasional, mahasiswa doktoral, dan staf akademik. Di sini mereka akan dapat menerima bantuan profesional dalam menjalankan kegiatan di Universitas dan di Bialystok. Fasilitas seperti papan nama kampus dwibahasa dan aplikasi seluler yang dirancang untuk seluruh komunitas universitas saat ini sedang dibangun dan akan segera diluncurkan. MUB juga menyelenggarakan acara sosial, sering kali dalam bahasa Inggris, yang sangat populer.