BSc (Honours) dalam bidang Komputasi & TI dan Statistika
Online United Kingdom
3 up to 6 Years
Bahasa inggris
Waktu penuh, Paruh waktu
09 Jan 2025
Feb 2025
GBP 21.816 *
Pembelajaran jarak jauh
* total biaya; paruh waktu dengan tarif 60 kredit adalah £3.636 per tahun
Ini adalah salah satu dari beberapa kombinasi mata pelajaran yang tersedia di program BSc (Honours) Computing & IT dan mata pelajaran kedua (Q67). Computing & IT yang dipelajari dengan statistik dapat membuka peluang karier di berbagai sektor. Kamu akan mendapatkan dasar yang baik dalam metode statistik, melengkapi keterampilan Computing & IT yang akan kamu kembangkan.
Jadi, jika Anda menyukai komputasi & IT, dan statistik, kualifikasi ini mungkin cocok untuk Anda. Dengan meningkatnya penekanan pada data dan pemodelan matematika dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, sebagian besar peluang kerja di bidang statistik membutuhkan keterampilan komputasi & IT. Oleh karena itu, lulusan dengan keterampilan analitis dan komputasi sangat dicari oleh pemberi kerja - mereka dapat memiliki keunggulan dibandingkan pelamar yang hanya memiliki salah satu dari keahlian ini.
Fitur utama
- Diakreditasi oleh BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT
- Menggabungkan mata pelajaran yang saling melengkapi - statistik dan komputasi & IT
- Pilih dari empat area fokus dalam untaian komputasi & TI
Kualifikasi kami dapat diakses semudah mungkin, dan kami memiliki berbagai layanan dukungan yang komprehensif. Program BSc (Honours) Computing & IT dan mata pelajaran kedua kami menggunakan berbagai bahan studi dan mencakup elemen-elemen berikut:
- Pembelajaran online - sebagian besar modul tersedia secara online; beberapa modul memiliki campuran materi cetak dan online. Sumber daya pembelajaran online dapat mencakup situs web, audio/video, dan kegiatan interaktif
- Jadwal yang telah ditentukan sebelumnya - kami akan membantu Anda mengembangkan keterampilan manajemen waktu Anda
- Penilaian dalam bentuk pertanyaan jawaban singkat, esai, dan ujian
- Umpan balik - penilaian berkelanjutan termasuk umpan balik dari tutor Anda dan menggunakannya untuk meningkatkan kinerja Anda
- Menggunakan dan menghasilkan diagram dan tangkapan layar
- Menemukan materi eksternal/pihak ketiga secara online
- Mengakses katalog dan basis data online
- Perangkat lunak spesialis
- Ekspresi, notasi, dan teknik matematika dan ilmiah yang terkait
- Tutorial online
- Pekerjaan kelompok
- Kerja praktis
- Sekolah Tempat Tinggal
Diakreditasi oleh BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT, untuk sepenuhnya memenuhi persyaratan akademis untuk pendaftaran sebagai Chartered IT Professional. Akreditasi BCS menjamin bahwa program studi memenuhi standar tinggi yang ditetapkan oleh profesi.
Diakreditasi oleh BCS, Chartered Institute for IT, untuk penghargaan Label Kualitas Sarjana Euro-Inf atas nama EQANIE (European Quality Assurance Network for Informatics Education e.V.) karena telah memenuhi hasil Program Siklus Pertama yang ditentukan oleh Standar Kerangka Kerja Euro-Inf dan Kriteria Akreditasi untuk Program Sarjana Informatika.
Berapa lama waktu yang dibutuhkan
- Studi paruh waktu - 6 tahun
- Studi penuh waktu - 3 tahun
- Batas waktu - 16 tahun
Hasil Program
Knowledge and understanding
Upon completion of this degree you will have:
- A broad critical understanding of the fundamental principles, concepts, and techniques underlying computing and IT.
- An understanding of a range of models and languages to support the analysis and design of computing and IT systems.
- A broad critical understanding of the fundamental principles, concepts, and techniques underlying your second subject area.
- An understanding of the principal theories, methods, models, and approaches that can be deployed in your second subject area.
- An understanding of the range of situations in which computing and IT systems are used, particularly in your second subject area, how people interact with them, and the possibilities and limitations of such systems.
- An awareness of the ethical, social, and legal issues that can be associated with the development and deployment of computing and IT systems, including in the context of your second subject area.
Cognitive skills
On completion of this degree you will be able to:
- Apply and critically evaluate key concepts from computing and IT and your second subject area in a range of contexts.
- Select and apply appropriate techniques and tools for abstracting, modelling, problem-solving, designing, and testing computing and IT systems, and be aware of the limitations involved.
- Select and apply appropriate techniques and tools relevant to your second subject area.
- Critically analyze and evaluate a range of ideas, arguments, or theories based on your second subject area.
- Devise and carry out a project in computing & IT, in the context of your second subject area, that applies and extends your knowledge and understanding, and critically reflect on the processes involved and the outcomes of your work.
Practical and professional skills
On completion of this degree you will be able to:
- Analyze, design, evaluate, and/or test computing and IT systems, using appropriate simulation and modelling tools where appropriate.
- Plan and organize yourself and your work appropriately, including keeping systematic records of work in progress and outcomes.
- Demonstrate the ability to undertake ongoing learning to keep up to date with computing and IT and your second subject area.
- Identify and address the ethical, social, and legal issues that may arise in your second subject area and during the development and use of computing and IT systems.
- Use appropriate professional tools to support your work.
Key skills
On completion of this degree you will be able to:
- Communicate information, arguments, ideas, and issues clearly and in appropriate ways, bearing in mind the audience and the purpose of your communication.
- Work in a group, communicating effectively in a distance setting where the communication is computer-mediated.
- Work independently, planning, monitoring, reflecting on, and improving your learning.
- Find, assess, and apply information from a variety of sources, using information technology where necessary.
- Select and use accurate, appropriate numerical and analytical techniques to solve problems.
- Recognize and understand a range of technological problems and select suitable techniques for solving them.
This degree has three stages, each comprising 120 credits.
- In Stage 1, you’ll study two 30-credit computing & IT modules, one 30-credit statistics module and one 30-credit mathematics module.
- In Stage 2, you’ll study two 30-credit modules from a choice of computing & IT focus areas and two 30-credit statistics modules.
- In Stage 3, you’ll choose one 30-credit computing & IT module, study two 30-credit statistics modules and complete a 30-credit computing & IT project module.
Stage 1 (120 credits)
Computing & IT
You'll study both of the following:
- Introduction to computing and information technology 1 (TM111)
- Introduction to computing and information technology 2 (TM112)
You'll study both of the following:
- Introducing statistics (M140)
- Essential Mathematics 1 (MST124)
Stage 2 (120 credits)
Computing & IT focus
Communications and networking:
You'll study both of the following:
- Cisco networking (CCNA) part 1 (TM257)
- Communication and information technologies (TM255)
Computer science:
You'll study both of the following:
- Object-oriented Java programming (M250)
- Algorithms, data structures and computability (M269)
Software development:
You'll study both of the following:
- Object-oriented Java programming (M250)
- Managing IT: the why, the what and the how (TM254)
Web development:
You'll study both of the following:
- Object-oriented Java programming (M250)
- Web technologies (TM252)
You'll study both of the following:
- Analysing data (M248)
- Practical modern statistics (M249)
Stage 3 (120 credits)
Computing & IT
You'll choose one from:
- Cisco networking (CCNA) part 2 (TM357)
- Communications technology (TM355)
- Data management and analysis (TM351)
- Interaction design and the user experience (TM356)
- IT systems: planning for success (TM353)
- Software engineering (TM354)
- Web, mobile and cloud technologies (TM352)
You'll study both of the following:
- Applications of probability (M343)
- Applied statistical modelling (M348)
Computing & IT project
You'll study the following:
- The computing and IT project (TM470)
Our assessments are all designed to reinforce your learning and help you show your understanding of the topics. The mix of assessment methods will vary between modules.
Computer-Marked Assignments
- Usually, a series of online, multiple-choice questions.
Tutor-Marked Assignments
- You’ll have a number of these throughout each module, each with a submission deadline.
- They can be made up of essays, questions, experiments or something else to test your understanding of what you have learned.
- Your tutor will mark and return them to you with detailed feedback.
End-of-Module Assessments
- The final, marked piece of work on most modules.
- Modules with an end-of-module assessment won’t usually have an exam.
- Some modules end with an exam. You’ll be given time to revise and prepare.
- You’ll be given your exam date at least 5 months in advance.
- Sebagian besar ujian dilakukan dari jarak jauh, dan Anda akan menyelesaikannya di rumah atau di lokasi alternatif.
- If a module requires you to take a face-to-face exam, this will be made clear in the module description, and you will be required to take your exam in person at one of our exam centres.
Biaya Pendidikan Program
Kesempatan berkarir
Skills for career development
Organisations increasingly value IT teams with skills relevant to wider business in addition to technical ability. This joint honours degree enables you to develop specialist knowledge and understanding in computing and IT and to combine these with expertise in an additional discipline.
Depending on your choice of second subject – business, design, mathematics, applied psychology or statistics – you’ll have a unique and focused skill set that will enhance your existing career and put you in a strong position in the jobs market, which increasingly depends on computing technologies across all sectors. You’ll also develop important transferable skills such as teamwork, time management, numeracy, analysis and problem-solving.
Please note that if you choose to study this degree with psychology as your second subject, your degree will not make you eligible for Graduate Basis for Chartered Membership (GBC) by the British Psychological Society (BPS).
Career relevance
Computing and IT is a rapidly growing sector of employment, and the UK is recognised as a world leader in producing talented graduates. Employers highly regard Open University computing and IT graduates for their ambition, time management and organisational skills.
Computing and IT professionals are in demand by providers (such as software companies) and user organisations alike. Organisations increasingly value IT teams with skills relevant to wider contexts in addition to technical ability. This degree will open the way for careers in sectors including retail, finance and commerce, leisure and gaming, telecommunications, broadcast media, digital media, manufacturing, transport, tourism, government, health, education, and the voluntary sector.
Growth areas and areas of high demand include cyber security, mobile development, cloud computing and data science.