LL.M. dalam Hukum Bisnis Internasional
Paris, Perancis
8 up to 9 Months
Bahasa inggris
Paruh waktu
30 Jun 2025
Oct 2025
EUR 22.000
Di kampus
Semua mata kuliah diajarkan dalam bahasa Inggris, oleh para Profesor Hukum dari Universitas Paris-Panthéon-Assas dan para profesional yang bekerja di bidang hukum yang berasal dari Prancis, Eropa, Asia, dan Afrika. Semua mata kuliah sangat berfokus pada studi kasus dan pendalaman mata pelajaran utama dari perspektif transversal dan pluridis.
Program LL.M. Hukum Bisnis Internasional mencakup 210 jam pengajaran dan biasanya menerima antara 20 hingga 30 mahasiswa atau peserta pelatihan selama sembilan bulan.
Program ini terutama membahas studi kasus praktis dan mata pelajaran utama tertentu, dengan fokus disiplin ilmu. Program ini mempersiapkan para mahasiswa dan profesional untuk melakukan operasi seperti akuisisi besar atau transaksi pasar, merger lintas negara, pembiayaan kompleks, restrukturisasi, LBO, rekayasa keuangan, dan proyek-proyek industri.
Ini adalah operasi yang menarik, menawarkan kesulitan yang sering kali mengarah pada pencarian solusi yang inovatif. Sangatlah mendidik untuk mempelajarinya dan menganalisis isu-isu hukum, keuangan, atau akuntansi yang muncul. Dengan demikian, kontrak, jaminan, pembiayaan, dan litigasi perdagangan internasional, di antara mata pelajaran dasar lainnya, dapat dipelajari dari berbagai sudut pandang.
Siswa Ideal
The course is designed for both experienced and qualified professionals with a strong professional background and for motivated candidates who have just completed their degree.
The course runs from October to June. All participants must be available on a full-time basis. Indeed, the schedule is always subject to modifications, and no absence will be excused in case of any change in the schedule.
- International Contracts
- Mergers and Acquisitions
- International Capital Markets
- States and International Trade Law
- Competition Law
- International Financing
- International Tax Law
- International Intellectual Property Law
- International Business Management and Finance by INSEAD Professors
Teaching Method
The LL.M. International Business Law is composed of ten mandatory modules: International Contracts, Mergers and Acquisitions, International Capital Markets, States and International Trade Law, Competition Law, International Financing, Environmental and Sustainable Development Law, International Arbitration, International Tax Law, International Intellectual Property Law.
Each module is composed of 10 hours of theoretical teaching and 10 hours of practical teaching.
All courses are delivered in English and take the form of seminars taught by professors from Paris-Panthéon-Assas University, as well as practitioners from law firms and major companies.
An additional 10 hours for International Business Management and Finance is taught by INSEAD Professors on the following topics: Finance & Accounting, Microeconomics, and Marketing Strategy.
Examinations will be held for each of the 10 mandatory modules. Some modules might require 2 exams: one regarding the theoretical lecture, and one regarding the practical part of the module.
The method of evaluation is determined by the respective professors/teachers with the approval of the dean.
The method of evaluation may be a written exam, class participation, project presentation, and/or homework assignment.
The format of the exam might vary from one module to another. Here are a few examples:
- Questions with multiple answers
- Individual work cases (essays) to be done at home
- Assignments or presentations to be prepared in groups
- Evaluation tests at the end of each seminar
Each subject is graded out of 20 and the pass mark is 10/20 for each module. The student is admitted if he/she has obtained at least a total of 100 points out of 200 and 60 ECTS credits will be awarded. Results will be communicated at the end of the course and will be followed by a graduation ceremony. There is no exam period since the examinations are held during or at the end of a module.
Grading system
- Average grades from 10 to 12 (out of 20): Pass (Passable)
- Average grades from 13 to 14 Good (Assez Bien)
- Average grades from 15 to 16 Very Good (Bien)
- Average grades from 17 + Honors or Excellent (Très Bien)
Kesempatan berkarir
Students are equipped with a diverse set of skills and knowledge of several legal systems.