MA dalam Bahasa Inggris - Penulisan Kreatif
Belfast, Britania Raya
1 up to 2 Years
Bahasa inggris
Waktu penuh, Paruh waktu
Minta batas waktu aplikasi
Sep 2025
GBP 21.500 / per year *
Di kampus
* Irlandia Utara dan Republik Irlandia: £7.300 | Inggris, Skotlandia atau Wales: £9.250 | Uni Eropa Lainnya dan Internasional: £21.500
Jika Anda memiliki komitmen terhadap penulisan imajinatif, jika Anda ingin mengembangkan praktik artistik Anda, membangun keterampilan profesional Anda sebagai penulis, dan terlibat dengan komunitas kreatif yang dinamis di Seamus Heaney Centre, maka program MA dalam Bahasa Inggris (Penulisan Kreatif) cocok untuk Anda. Program ini mencakup penulisan prosa (fiksi dan non-fiksi kreatif) dan penulisan naskah (layar lebar dan panggung) dan mengundang Anda untuk menjelajahi semua mode penulisan ini sebelum memilih spesialisasi.
Anda akan ditantang untuk mengeksplorasi berbagai jenis tulisan, untuk menghibur ide-ide baru, membaca dengan penuh petualangan, dan menanggapi dengan ketelitian dan kemurahan hati terhadap karya rekan-rekan penulis Anda. Anda akan mengembangkan praktik Anda sebagai penulis independen dan pembelajar seumur hidup yang reflektif, serta membangun pemahaman Anda tentang pasar sastra dan aspek komersial produksi sastra.
Anda akan diajar oleh novelis, penulis naskah, dan penulis skenario yang berpengalaman, menghadiri lokakarya dengan penulis, penerbit, editor, dan agen yang berkunjung, dan berkontribusi pada tradisi kreativitas sastra yang kaya di Queen's University, Belfast.
Bahasa Inggris - Sorotan Penulisan Kreatif
Pakar yang Terkenal secara Internasional
Mahasiswa Creative Writing diajar oleh novelis, penulis naskah, dan penulis skenario yang berpengalaman, dan kami beruntung dapat menarik staf dengan profil internasional.
Pengalaman Siswa
Mahasiswa memiliki akses ke lokakarya dengan penulis, penerbit, editor, dan agen yang berkunjung dan memiliki sejumlah kesempatan untuk mempresentasikan karya mereka, termasuk di konferensi pascasarjana Common Ground yang diadakan setiap tahun oleh School of Arts, English, and Languages.
Beasiswa dan Pendanaan
Students may enrol on a full-time (1 year) or part-time (3 years) basis. Individual modules may be studied as a short course. Part-time students typically complete one or two modules per semester. Full-time students typically complete three modules per semester.
The MA is awarded to students who successfully complete six taught modules (120 CATS points) and a 13,000-13,500 word prose or script dissertation (60 CATS points).
Exit qualifications are available: students may exit with a Postgraduate Diploma by successfully completing 120 CATS points from taught modules or a Postgraduate Certificate by successfully completing 60 CATS points from taught modules.
Compulsory Modules
Semester 1
(1) Craft and Technique (ENG7093)
(20 CATS; compulsory)
This module is about learning to read as a writer: reading in an interrogative way, closely examining various master texts in order to widen skills and learn new methods. Master texts, including novels, plays and screenplays, are chosen to illustrate aspects of craft and analysed to illuminate students’ own writing. Taught in a weekly seminar, the module deals with a range of key issues in creative writing, including aspects of craft, the development of technique, the demands of structure, and approaches to characterisation.
The final assessment is by a creative piece written in response to one of the module’s set texts. By the end of the module, all students will have developed and honed their analytical skills in evaluating prose and drama and will have practised applying new skills in their own creative work.
(2) Creative Writing Workshop 1: Drama (ENG7097)
(20 CATS; compulsory)
This weekly workshop involves students writing scripts to be discussed with the convenor and other students. The workshop is a forum to share work-in-progress in an atmosphere of friendly rigour. At least two students per week present their evolving texts to the group and examine them in detail with a view to providing a set of notes for the basis of the next draft. The module’s fundamental aim is to induct students into the discipline of rewriting, thus provoking writing of real value.
(3) Creative Writing Workshop 1: Prose (ENG7292)
(20 CATS; compulsory)
This weekly workshop involves students writing prose, typically fiction, to be discussed with the convenor and other students. There will be weekly opportunities for the students to receive feedback on their developing prose. The fundamentals of prose writing will form the basis of the course materials: narrative voice, character, narrative, plot, dialogue, and setting.
Semester 2
(1) Creative Writing Workshop 2 (ENG7095 / 7096)
(40 CATS; compulsory)
These are weekly two-hour workshops to which students bring their scripts and fiction to be discussed with the convenor and other students. The modules are designed for both prose specialists and dramatists; writers in both forms can benefit from the creative cross-fertilisation between these distinct but complementary disciplines. Students receive regular feedback on their developing work. Various topics underpinning the craft of writing will also be examined and discussed.
Both Prose and Drama workshops are available to all students, but you opt to be assessed in one form. Students will move towards greater specialisation as the year progresses, choosing to be assessed either in Prose or Drama for the full 40 CATS points.
Continuing on from the Semester 1 drama workshop, the drama workshop module places greater emphasis on getting work into the marketplace.
The second semester Fiction Workshop has an emphasis on the purpose and value of writing, seeking to identify some of the energies that might drive an author.
Professionalising the MA (ENG7988)
(20 CATS; compulsory)
In this new module, students are introduced to the professional marketplace through conversations with industry professionals and a focus on the skills and materials fundamental to professional work, including techniques for seeking out professional contacts and pitching or submitting creative projects.
Creative Writing Dissertation (ENG7099)
(60 CATS; compulsory)
Students will be assigned a supervisor under whom they will complete major creative work. (Prose or drama 13,000-13,500 words.) The dissertation is primarily a student-led individual research project, during which students will put into practice the skills and crafts honed during the two taught semesters. It is worth 60 CAT points or one-third of the overall Master's programme.
Year 1
Core Modules
- Dissertation Creative Writing
Biaya Pendidikan Program
Kesempatan berkarir
Lulusan dari program ini memiliki catatan pekerjaan yang baik. Profesi termasuk penerbitan, jurnalisme, hubungan masyarakat, pengajaran, periklanan, Pegawai Negeri Sipil, bisnis, industri dan media, semuanya direkrut dari lulusan kami. Beberapa siswa memilih untuk melanjutkan studi mereka ke tingkat PhD pada topik khusus yang dipilih dalam Penulisan Kreatif.
Mahasiswa pascasarjana Queen mendapatkan manfaat yang luar biasa. Inisiatif unik, seperti Degree Plus dan Researcher Plus, memperkuat komitmen kami terhadap kelayakan kerja, sementara program kepemimpinan dan eksekutif yang inovatif serta integrasi yang baik dengan pakar bisnis membantu siswa kami mendapatkan posisi kepemimpinan penting baik secara nasional maupun internasional.
Gelar plus penghargaan untuk keterampilan ekstra kurikuler
Selain program gelar Anda, di Queen's, Anda dapat memperoleh kesempatan untuk memperoleh keterampilan hidup, akademis, dan kelayakan kerja yang lebih luas. Misalnya penempatan, kerja sukarela, klub, perkumpulan, olah raga dan masih banyak lagi. Jadi Anda tidak hanya lulus dengan gelar yang diakui dari universitas terkemuka dunia, Anda juga akan memiliki pengalaman praktis nasional dan internasional ditambah paparan yang lebih luas terhadap kehidupan secara keseluruhan. Kami menyebutnya Gelar Plus. Hal inilah yang menjadikan kuliah di Queen's University Belfast istimewa.