Graduate Certificate in Healthcare Leadership
Australia Online, Australia
8 Months
Bahasa inggris
Paruh waktu
Minta batas waktu aplikasi
Minta tanggal mulai paling awal
AUD 8.760 / per credit *
Pembelajaran jarak jauh
* $2190 per unit
Jelajahi peluang beasiswa untuk membantu mendanai studi Anda
- Start your journey towards an MHL.
- 100% online, shift work-friendly learning.
- Become a leader across a diverse range of healthcare fields.
Basic Information
- Duration: 8 months, part-time
- Study periods: January, March, April, July, September, November
- Rankings: Nursing research ranked the highest possible classification in the ERA national report.
Lead the change in healthcare
The Australian healthcare sector is undergoing rapid and widespread change, increasingly disrupted by new technologies and a changing workforce as well as population. Whether you are a registered nurse or allied health professional, a Graduate Certificate in Healthcare Leadership can enable you to take a significant step forward in your career in Australia’s largest industry.
By completing Southern Cross University’s Online Graduate Certificate in Healthcare Leadership you will gain knowledge to meet the challenges and grab the opportunities of leadership in multidisciplinary and complex healthcare delivery. You’ll extend your knowledge in evidence based-care, and learn how to lead teams of health professionals in Australia’s healthcare systems.
Our aim is to produce graduates that are career-ready. So join one of the world’s best universities under 50 years old and advance your career in healthcare.
The ideal Pathway to a Master of Healthcare Leadership
Sometimes life can get in the way, which is why we have made postgraduate study as flexible as possible. The Graduate Certificate in Healthcare Leadership provides you with the first significant step to advancing your career. The best part? If you finish your Graduate Certificate and want to take your learning further, everything you complete will be credited towards your online Master of Healthcare Leadership.
Apa yang bisa kamu pelajari?
Agar memenuhi syarat untuk mendapatkan Sertifikat Pascasarjana dalam Kepemimpinan Perawatan Kesehatan, Anda akan menyelesaikan empat (4) unit di bawah ini:
Satuannya adalah:
- Memimpin Perubahan dalam Perawatan Kesehatan
- Manajemen Kesehatan Strategis
- Sistem, Kebijakan, dan Praktik Kesehatan
- Prinsip dan Praktik Akuntabilitas Klinis
Kesempatan berkarir
Karir dalam Kepemimpinan Perawatan Kesehatan
- Manajer Unit
- Manajer Kualitas dan Tata Kelola Klinis
- Manajer Program
- Ketua Pelaksana
- Manajer Perawatan
- Pemilik Praktek
- Direktur Rumah Sakit
- Manajer Praktek Medis
- Manajer Proyek Farmasi
Biaya Pendidikan Program
Tentang Sekolah
Kursus Serupa
MBA in Health and Safety Leadership - UCAM, Spain
- Sharjah, Uni Emirat Arab
Master of Science dalam Keperawatan dalam Administrasi Keperawatan
- Online USA
Magister Manajemen Kesehatan Masyarakat (MPH) - Kepemimpinan Kesehatan Masyarakat
- Geneva, Swiss