Diploma di bidang Houdini untuk Film atau Game
64 Weeks
Bahasa inggris
Waktu penuh
Minta batas waktu aplikasi
Minta tanggal mulai paling awal
CAD 19.750
Pembelajaran jarak jauh
Diajarkan melalui platform interaktif Think Tank, Portal, program ini menggabungkan tutorial yang telah direkam sebelumnya, lokakarya kolaboratif, dan bimbingan pribadi untuk mempersiapkan siswa untuk berkarir di bidang Film, TV, atau Game.
Memanfaatkan kekuatan Houdini, Anda akan menguasai alur kerja prosedural canggih perangkat lunak untuk membuat animasi yang lebih tinggi, urutan VFX, dan aset 3D untuk game. Dengan mengkhususkan diri pada bidang yang Anda minati, Anda akan membuat portofolio yang diperuntukkan bagi karier tertentu, dan sering kali, studio tertentu.
Sebagai tolok ukur sejati dalam perangkat lunak 3D dan VFX, kemampuan Anda untuk memahami dan mengintegrasikan Houdini ke dalam pipeline untuk Film atau Game akan segera meningkatkan tidak hanya pekerjaan Anda, tetapi juga nilai Anda dalam sebuah proyek.
Siswa Ideal
Program ini diperuntukkan bagi seniman baru di CG yang mencari pendidikan komprehensif dengan fokus pada Houdini. Siswa harus siap mendedikasikan setidaknya 40-60 jam seminggu untuk studi mereka. Bekerja sambil belajar tidak dianjurkan.
Virtual Openhouse
Chat with us live and hear all about our CG Programs & the wider 3D Industry!
Term 1
Start with the basics. From a brief history of VFX to texturing, lighting, compositing, rendering, asset creation, and more…this term is designed to train you in the most essential facets of 3D Modeling. Alongside a concentration on Houdini, you’ll be introduced to the other important software tools you’ll use when working in the industry.
The courses you’ll take in this term will emphasize and enhance your organization, flexible thinking, and problem-solving skills. In just 16 weeks, you’ll become an extremely well-rounded artist, with a strong inkling of the area of CG you might specialize in.
- History of VFX
- Houdini
- Look Development
- Final Project
- Procedural Modeling
- Texturing & Shading
Term 2
The fundamental courses started in Term 1 continue, becoming more intense, complex, and demanding. You’ll be presented with more in-depth, creative techniques and tools that will allow you to produce more complex and detail-oriented work.
As you move through Term 2, you’ll start to build on your skills in Houdini and really start to grasp the revolutionary workflows and procedures that the software offers. From here, you’ll produce your Intermediate Final Project – producing an environment, a creature or character, or another type of asset for Film or Games.
- Environment Modeling
- Lighting & Rendering
- Advanced Modeling
- Particles & Effects
- Look Development
- Scripting & Expressions
- Texturing & Shading
- Final Project
- Vellum Cfx
- Production Pipeline
Term 3
Courses in this term focus on advanced Houdini tools, uses, and methods that will prepare you for the final stages of your specialization. Upon being connected with your personal mentor, you’ll begin to develop a full-term final project that will serve as a high-quality asset preceding the portfolio production stage.
You’ll be required to maintain a full production schedule under the guidance of your supervisor while advanced stream courses continue. By the end of the term, you will have a robust understanding of Houdini's advanced capabilities and be well-equipped to tackle your portfolio.
- Environment Modeling
- Lighting & Rendering
- Groom & FUR
- Advanced Particles & Effects
- Vellum CFX
- Production & Advanced Tools
- Fluid Simulation
- Perkembangan Tampilan (Lops & Tidak Nyata)
- Final Project
- Rbd Simulations (DOPS)
Term 4
As the foundational piece of the portfolio production process, this mentor-focused term has you making definitive creative decisions–such as finalizing shots, completing lighting, rendering, and compositing to produce what will become the final cut.
Alongside the advice of your supervisor and mentor, you’ll take lessons focusing on presentation skills, portfolio packaging, career preparation, and job search which will provide invaluable direction on preparing resumés and cover letters, as well as industry practices and ethics.
- Job Readiness
- Final Portfolio Production
Hasil Program
Mahasiswa lulus dengan pemahaman yang kompetitif tentang perangkat lunak, praktik, dan keterampilan standar industri. Dengan portofolio siap pakai di tangan, dan jam-jam Pengembangan Karier, Anda akan siap melangkah ke dunia Seni CG untuk Film, TV, atau Game.
Biaya Pendidikan Program
Program delivery
Your virtual home base. Connect with classmates, and your supervisor, take in live sessions, and explore the student gallery.
Weekly Challenges
Utilize training materials, such as video, software screen capture, exercises, resources, and assignments.
Peer Learning
Take part in live question-and-answer sessions with your classmates and supervisor to share your ideas.
Small Classes
Each class has a max of eight students. This means less theory, less waiting, more collaboration, and more feedback.
24/7 Access
Throughout your program, you’ll get 24/7 access to all recorded live sessions and proprietary training materials.
Leave with Results
At the end of the day, walk away with a final project that you’ll proudly add to your portfolio, resumé, and bedroom wall.