7 Educations Gelar di Manajemen Teater 2024

Educations Gelar di Manajemen Teater 2024Filter
  • BA dalam Desain dan Teknologi Teater

    Siena Heights University

    • Adrian, Amerika Serikat

    Waktu penuh

    4 bertahun-tahun

    Di kampus

    Bahasa inggris

    Jurusan ini dirancang untuk siswa yang tertarik untuk mengejar karir di teater, tetapi tidak tertarik untuk tampil. Siswa dapat memilih untuk berkonsentrasi pada satu atau lebih bidang berikut: Pemandangan, Kostum, Pencahayaan, Suara, dan Arahan Teknis.

  • Bachelor of Arts di Desain Set

    Rome University of Fine Arts (RUFA)

    Waktu penuh

    3 bertahun-tahun

    Di kampus


    Anda akan belajar merancang, mengembangkan, dan secara efektif menggabungkan adegan dengan kostum, lokasi dengan dunia pada saat-saat tertentu yang spesifik dengan kemiripan mereka. Anda akan mengembangkan pemahaman tentang seni magis yang mendukung setiap pertunjukan, dengan terampil menggabungkan arsitektur, sejarah, dan seni visual.

    • Lincoln, Britania Raya

    Waktu penuh

    3 bertahun-tahun

    Di kampus

    Bahasa inggris

    BA (Hons) Technical Theatre and Stage Management is designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills to pursue a career in the live arts, entertainment, and events industry. The programme focuses on developing theatre professionals with a theoretical and vocational understanding of theatre industry roles and responsibilities, including academic knowledge and practical experience of the following subjects: stage management; stage lighting; live audio; design for the stage; health and safety; and the technical standards for places of entertainment.

    • Sidcup, Britania Raya

    Waktu penuh, Paruh waktu

    3 bertahun-tahun

    Di kampus

    Bahasa inggris

    Arthaus. Berlin International School offers the international performing arts community full-time and part-time training programs on the postgraduate level in the field of devised theatre and performance. Practitioners with a background in theatre, performance, dance, circus arts, visual arts, design, architecture, directing, writing, or choreographing, can enroll in one of our MA or MFA degree programs or complete the training with a professional development certificate.

    • Sidcup, Britania Raya

    Waktu penuh

    24 bulan

    Di kampus

    Bahasa inggris

    This course is the only postgraduate program in the world that takes candidates through a course of study that culminates in their receiving Designated Linklater Teacher status along with the MFA degree. A deep dive into the Linklater Voice method is the foundation of the MFA. The program was designed in close collaboration with Ms. Linklater and reflects her ideas of what a twenty-first-century postgraduate course for actor-teachers should look like. It is, in part, a voice-centred actor-training, rooted in Linklater’s approach to voice as fundamental to a whole system.

    • Sidcup, Britania Raya

    Waktu penuh

    13 bulan

    Di kampus

    Bahasa inggris

    Theatre for Young Audiences is a practical training program for performers and makers from a range of disciplines, that explores approaches to making work for, by, and with children and young people. Underpinning the course is the ambition to define Theatre for Young Audiences as a cutting-edge arts practice, outside (or perhaps alongside) the Applied Theatre framing that so often dominates this area of training, encouraging co-creative processes that balance the sensibilities of the adult artist and the creative voice of children and young people.

  • Magister Manajemen Budaya

    Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre

    • Tallinn, Estonia

    Waktu penuh

    2 bertahun-tahun

    Di kampus

    Bahasa inggris

    Manajemen Budaya adalah suatu disiplin yang menyatukan seni, ekonomi, dan administrasi, sekaligus menciptakan makna baru dalam masyarakat. Seorang manajer budaya adalah seorang profesional serbaguna yang, berada di pusat perubahan, memainkan peran sebagai mediator dan pendukung, manajer dan pelaksana, perwakilan atau pemikir, dan banyak lagi untuk menyatukan seni, budaya, dan penonton.