1 MSc Gelar di Ilmu Pemadam Kebakaran 2024

MSc Gelar di Ilmu Pemadam Kebakaran 2024Filter
    • Lund, Swedia

    Waktu penuh

    2 bertahun-tahun

    Di kampus

    Bahasa inggris

    This programme is arranged in cooperation by three leading European research universities: Ghent University, Lund University and the University of Edinburgh. Together we educate students in this multidisciplinary field including subjects such as fire safety of buildings, the thermo-chemical processes associated with fire growth, human behaviour and the representation of the many uncertainties thorough fire risk assessment. Through 15 industrial partners as official sponsors and EU support, students can apply for full or partial scholarships. Graduates are qualified for various fire-related jobs such as designing fire protection for a space station, protecting museum treasures, or ensuring occupants' safety in high-rise buildings.