1 Educations Gelar di Neuroscience di Perancis for 2024

Educations Gelar di Neuroscience di Perancis for 2024Filter
  • MSc in Modeling of Neuronal and Cognitive Systems

    Université Côte d’Azur (UniCA)

    • Nice, Perancis
    • Cannes, Perancis
    • + 4 more

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    MSc in Modeling of Neuronal and Cognitive Systems. Mod4neuCog is a two-year interdisciplinary master's program, that aims to train active researchers at the crossroads of computer science, applied mathematics, and cognitive neuroscience. We encourage students with a background in computer science, mathematics, cognitive science, psychology, or neuroscience to apply to our program, where they will learn to model cognitive functions using mathematical and computational tools.