3 programs in Eswatini
- Magister
- MSc
- MA
- Eswatini
3 programs in Eswatini
Esami Business School
Masters in Project Management
- Arusha, Tanzania
- Windhoek, Namibia + 2 more
Paruh waktu
2 bertahun-tahun
Bahasa inggris
This course aims to meet the growing needs of African public and private sector enterprises in the area of project management. Investors and managers are becoming more concerned with the use of scarce and often difficult to mobilize financial resources. Meanwhile, there has been an increase in the demand for and management of quality public and private sector investments.
Esami Business School
MBA in Human Resource Management (MBA-HRM)
- Arusha, Tanzania
- Mbabane, Eswatini + 1 more
Paruh waktu
2 bertahun-tahun
Bahasa inggris
Human Resource Management is an important activity for the present and future competitiveness of organizations. The link between human resources and the performance/productivity of organizations cannot be overemphasized. MBA in human resource management is an appropriate training program that will ensure that human resources practices within organizations are moving with the current approaches of positioning organizations well ahead of competitors.
Esami Business School
Masters in Business Administration (MBA)
- Arusha, Tanzania
- Lusaka, Zambia + 5 more
Paruh waktu
2 bertahun-tahun
Bahasa inggris
The evening MBA program is specifically designed for managers from the public, NGO, and private sectors. Such executives will have full-time job responsibilities and cannot afford to attend an advanced management education on a full time basis.
Format populer
Magister Gelar di dalam Eswatini
Swaziland adalah rumah bagi sejumlah universitas dan perguruan tinggi. Ada berbagai program yang tersedia bagi mereka memasuki pendidikan lebih tinggi, dengan beberapa sekolah ini difokuskan terutama pada bidang-bidang seperti keperawatan dan pendidikan.
Sebuah gelar magister diperoleh setelah mahasiswa menyelesaikan program gelar sarjana. Untuk memperoleh gelar magister, Anda biasanya harus menyelesaikan 12-18 mata kuliah yang sering melibatkan tes komprehensif dan/ atau penyelesaian tesis.